
Showing posts from April, 2019

Promotional Playing Cards

Playing cards have been used for promoting products by marketers for decades. As people love to play with cards so businesses have been using this medium to get more eyeballs on their brand and logo by putting them on the card backs and offering the cards as freebees to customers. Almost every home has a pack of cards and people love to play with them. Cards are not too expensive a medium for companies to use for branding and promotion. This helps brands fulfill their marketing needs and gets eyeballs on the brand logo. The Ace Card Company has been making promotional playing cards for all segments of industry. We have a dedicated sales team looking into promotional playing cards and make almost six million packs of such cards annually. Most airlines take playing cards for in flight sales and distribution. Almost all liquor brands have procured promotional playing cards for different brands at some time. Even the mobile industry has created playing cards with pictures of di...

Custom Playing Cards and Games

Cards and Games designed to ones taste, imagination, views, needs or even any other weird aspirations make cards and games what they are known as custom playing cards and games. Yes! You got it right – just visualize and we will make your concept into a product.   These cards can have customized front and back to meet any purpose or full fill any game requirement. The colors can be as many as you need and so could be the art work, whether it’s on front or back. It could be full color or black and white. It could be with an impression or a watermark. It could be with some UV security or just a hidden mark to secure the authenticity and the integrity of the pack. The art work could be any - paintings, sceneries, photographs, formats, patterns, arrays, impressions or anything which satiates designers urge, reflects his heart, imprint his mind and soul. The size of the cards can also be customized to fit any hand. It could be for kids, adolescents, adults, seniors...